Israel, you can not put a chain on the ankle of a Palestinian,without finding that the other end is fastened to your neck.

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5 Responses
  1. nida Says:

    yes indeed sis - have you seen the work of lattuf, a brazilian political cartoonist? You can find all ov his works on deviant art - and you have included some in you post aswell - subhanAllah what a powerful way to convay the message of suffering in Palestine!

  2. love what you said at the end. i think more people are starting to learn that Israel is so wrong, which is why theyve stopped media personals from coming into Ghaza because the know they will be properly exposed, just a matter of time, subhanAllah.

  3. lala Says:

    OMG, 2nd one says it all!!

  4. Naseem Says:

    these are great cartoons. i love your chain expression at the end. it sums it all up.

  5. Pixie Says:

    Very good visual satire.