Before I begin, I should mention that my girl Ammena n I met a few years back when we were both in Mississauga, Canada. I remember goin to her cozy, little place in Mississauga a couple times. Unfortunately we only met twice after that, and then I got really busy for a while. Next thing I know, she's moved to Cambridge n it's the middle of the winter so I couldn't make the drive down the 401 to meet with her. Alhamdulillah tho, we kept in touch...kinda.. thru MSN & Facebook and now, coz of us both being bloggers its so much easier!
Insha'allah tho, I plan on making a very active effort to keep in touch with her, and maybe we'll find ourselves crossing paths sometime soon in life, Bi'idhnillah.
She also gave me a very good idea that will definitely help me with my abaya plans.
أحبك في الله - I love you for the sake of Allah (swt) Sis.
NOTE: You have to add one additional "favorite" thing to the end of the list when you answer.
Favorite color: Black!
Favorite perfume (guys): Isse Miyaki - its deadly ;)
Favorite perfume (girls): Miss Dior by Christian Dior
Favorite pj brand: La Senza
Favorite clothes brand in general: Urban Behavior (i think?)
Favorite person in the entire world: my husband
Favorite country: oooh, I don't have one
Favorite car: Lamborghini Murcielago
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite sport player: i don't have one
Favorite spot in America: never been to the US, fave in Canada is: Wonderland :)
Favorite animal: cats
Favorite movie: Pride and Prejudice - the BBC version (lame i know)
Favorite singer: Ahmed Bukhatir - anasheed singer
Favorite day in the week: Friday!
Favorite time of the day: night time
Favorite holiday season: summers in Canada, winters in the Middle East
Favorite number: don't have one
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite chocolate: right now its Al Bateel
Favorite cartoon: don't have one
Favorite blogger: too many to list!
Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Jamoca Almond Fudge
Favorite Mobile Brand: Samsung
Favorite name: (female) Hidaya (male) Hamza
Favorite hobby: Reading
Favorite room in my house: bedroom
Favorite Fruit: peaches and mangoes, the combination works best for me
Favorite flower: roses
Favorite Word: guy... as in "ya guy!" ( its a Scarborough thing)
Favourite non religious book: The Kite Runner
I'm adding: Favorite hot drink: French Vanilla Cappuccino from Tim Horton's
I'm tagging: M.J
Lost in Riyadh
Halal Honey
Tranquility from Within
And anyone else who'd like to do it :)

yay :) thanks for the little memory lane trip there too sis masha'allah :D insha'allah we do get to meet up in the future, i will be visiting you in Saudi you do realise that dont you!! heehee.. guy eh? hmm, glad I never lived there lol
heya!! nice blog and nice tag..
first time im coming here!!
and im planning to steal that tag from ur blog :P wat say?
awww thanks for the tag :)