As promised, here are some of the pictures that I took on my trips around the GCC including my latest Umrah trip.
Hope you like em :)
Strange, large fish at Dubai Aquarium
As promised, here are some of the pictures that I took on my trips around the GCC including my latest Umrah trip.
Hope you like em :)

masha´allah! what beautiful pics
Salam Alaykum sister, what a wonderful blog you have! Keep up the great work! People like you, inspire me to get out there and do something in my life [and to keep on writing in my blog!] lol well done :)
Masha'allah lovely pics! Btw, ive always been told one cant take pics in the haram, is that true?...did u take it openly or secretly? I pray i get to go for Umrah and Hajj one day.Ameen.
lol.. do we have to guess whos the black and white figures?? :P
Oh I just love the road driving through Dubai! I think it's my favorite here. And the fish, wow! I am so glad you got to make it to hajj. You sound at peace and much better off now than a few months ago sweetie.
Thanks for the comments.
Nevin: thanks fr dropping by my blog n I'm sure that Inshallah, you can make ur blog even better than mine!
Habayeb: Its true that some ppl don't like pictures being taken in the haram, but its not an enforced rule and most of the ppl take pictures in the open. I took pictures in the open myself. Inshallah u'll get to go fr hajj/umrah very soon. :)
Ammena: LOL ya, i was gonna leave em but then i remembered all those weirdo stalker fetish ppl n i decided against it.
Lisa: Appreciate the comment Sis, Alhamdulillah i'm really happy i managed to make it, altho it wasn't the big hajj, it was a smaller hajj, also called Umrah. Inshallah i'll be going down fr the main hajj this year! I do feel like I've been cleansed internally... I was havin a lot of issues b4 that've been sorted out now, alhamdulillah, so ya, I am at peace :D