I've been incredibly busy these days and am now at a point where i can share my news with you!
*deep breath...*
After the overwhelming response to my abaya collection, I've decided to take the responses to a new level.
I am launching a new website business, Insha'Allah, that will showcase my abayas to the world!
Anyone can order any of my abayas from my website, and I will be able to ship them directly to the person.
All of the abayas on my blog will be featured on the website, as well as others that I've collected since then.
Customers will have the option to customise the abayas, according to their specifications.
My email will also be available to everyone so that they can contact me with special requests or anything else that they might need.
Sooo, my website will be up and running, Inshallah in about 3 weeks, all going well!
I will keep you updated, and ofcourse, I'll be posting up the link as soon as I get it!
Sisters in Canada, if you'd prefer to save on the cost of shipping, then you might like to wait till this summer, when I make a trip to Toronto!
Non-Muslims are all welcome and I know a lot of Western women in the Gulf like to wear trendy abayas, regardless of their religion.
Please make dua for me, Insha'Allah this business venture goes well. By the Mercy and Blessings of Allah (swt), I would like to be able to expand my business to a larger product portfolio.
Keep your comments, requests and input coming... I'm making a list of all of those who have contacted me "you know who you are!" and I will be contacting you personally, as soon as my website is up!

Asalaamu `alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakato!!
Masha'Allah!!! I hope you all the best & can't wait until the site launch!!!!
Jazzakallah kheir Mev. I want a shiny bisht abaya, I am a small (54 or 56 work) and five foot 1 "" and I'll get you to ship from Toronto:D
Love Pix.
How is Riyadh?
As salaamu alaykum! wow masha'allah thats awesome! Id love to go through the website as well. Insha'allah if the abaya is affordable for me and the shipping cost to Dubai isnt much then insha'allah i dont mind buying!
May Allah help u! Ameen.
yayy mashaAllah. i'm very happy for you and pray that your project is successful! can't wait to see the abayas you have to offer
Salaam sis mashaAllah that's great news. Please let me know when the website is up and running.
masha'allah.. cant wait to see the website, insha'allah it goes well for you. Good to see u blogging to.. miss you :D
This is a great idea, and best of luck with it! I wish you every success =D
Alhamdulillah sis I'm really glad to hear this! InshAllah your business will be a success :)
p.s. I hope you stop by in Ottawa or at least ship from toronto to Ottawa.
wooohoo, i cant wait!! you've got great abayas to offer so inshAllah the site will be a huge hit!
Masha'allah that's great!
I can't wait, I really want some beautiful abayas
Salam :)
I would like to know if you have launched your website for abayas?
I LOVE THEM and am very interested in purchasing some inshaAllah.
Please let me know.
Jazakillah khair.